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Testing of mechanical properties

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  • Właściwości fizykochemiczne, estetyczne i użytkowe
  • Testy ciśnieniowe, testy szczelności wyrobów

Testing of metal resistance properties

BOSMAL conducts the following resistance testing of metals:

  • Stretching tests according to PN-EN ISO 6892-1, method A and B
    • Resistance, Rm
    • Plasticity limit, Re
    • Contractual plasticity limit, Rp
    • Lengthening, A
    • Necking, Z
  • Sintered products’ resistance to crushing using the squeezing method
    • according to PN-EN ISO 2739
  • Connecting element stretching tests
    • PN-EN ISO 898-1, apart from 9.13
    • PN-EN ISO 898-5, apart from 9.4
    • PN-EN 28839
    • PN-EN ISO 6157-2
    • PN-EN ISO 898-2
    • PN-EN ISO 2320
  • Propensity to plastic deformation
    • Flattening method according to PN-EN ISO 8492
    • Drift expanding method according to PN-EN ISO 8493


  • Zwick 250 kN Allround floor and testXpert II software
  • Instron 4467 tensile testing machine
Maszyna Wystrzymałościowa Zwick 250kN Allround Floor

Testing of rubber and plastic resistance properties

Rubber products

Stretching resistance

Stretching resistance (up to 5 kN)


  • Instron 4467 tensile tester machine
  • Measuring head up to 500 N
  • Measuring head up to 30 kN
  • Extensometer

Testing norms

  • PN-EN ISO 37/AC1

Permanent deformation after squeezing

Permanent deformation after squeezing in the temperature range from -40ºC to 250ºC.


  • Instron 4467 tensile testing machine
  • Measuring head up to 500 N
  • Measuring head up to 30 kN

Testing norms

  • ISO 815-1
  • ISO 815-2

Tearing resistance


  • Instron 4467 tensile testing machine
  • Measuring head up to 500 N
  • Measuring head up to 30 kN

Testing norms

  • PN-EN ISO 34-1

Hysteresis under compressive strain conditions


  • Instron 4467 tensile testing machine
  • Measuring head up to 500 N
  • Measuring head up to 30 kN

Testing norms

  • PN-C-04289

Plastic products

Static stretching resistance (up to 30 kN)

Measurement of static tensile strength (stretching resistance) and elongation at the yield point (or at the break point) can be carried out over a wide temperature range, namely: -100ºC to 350ºC.


  • Instron 4467 tensile testing machine
  • Measuring head up to 500 N
  • Measuring head up to 30 kN
  • Extensometer

Testing norms

  • PN-EN ISO 527-2

Elasticity modulus during crushing (up to 30 kN)

Elastic modulus measurement during crushing


  • Instron 4467 tensile testing machine
  • Measuring head up to 500 N
  • Measuring head up to 30 kN

Testing norms

  • PN-EN ISO 178

Static crushing resistance (up to 30 kN)

Static crushing resistance measurement


  • Instron 4467 tensile testing machine
  • Measuring head up to 500 N
  • Measuring head up to 30 kN

Testing norms

  • PN-EN ISO 178

Seam strength tests. Seam slippage tests

The test consists of determining the resistance of the fabric to opening/slipping of the yarns along the seam line under load. BOSMAL is accredited by VW to carry out the test in accordance with PV 3955 and the tests are carried out on an Instron tensile testing machine.

Hardness testing of metals, metal alloys and sinters

Hardness testing of metals, metal alloys and sinters

Test parameterTest NormMethod
Metal and metal alloys hardnessPN-EN ISO 6506-1Brinell method
ball 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 mm; load 1-3000 kg
PN-EN ISO 6508-1Rockwell method
PN-EN ISO 6508-1Knoop method
PN-EN ISO 6507-1Vickers method
HV0.3 – HV100
MicrohardnessPN-EN ISO 6507-1Vickers method
HV0.05 – HV0.2
Metal and other nonorganic coatings’ hardnessPN-EN ISO 4516Vickers and Knoop method
Resistance welding – Vickers hardness testing) of resistance spot, projection, and seam welds (low-force and microhardnessPN-EN ISO 14271Vickers method
HV0.05 – HV5
Sintered carbides’ hardnessPN-EN 23878Vickers and Rockwell method
Sintered products’ apparent hardness (excluding sintered carbides)PN-EN ISO 4498Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell method
Sintered ferrous materials’ cured coating thickness, carburized or carbonitridedPN-EN ISO 4507Vickers hardness distribution method
Contractual surface tempered coating thicknessPN-ISO 3754Vickers hardness distribution method
Contractual carburized and tempered coating thicknessPN-EN ISO 2639Vickers hardness distribution method


  • Brinella DHB-3000 WPM Heckert hardness meter
  • EMCOTEST – DuraScan – 50 micro hardness meter
  • Rockwell HRC – HM-1810 WPM Heckert hardness meter
  • Zwick/Roell ZHU-250 universal hardness meter

Elastomers and polymer materials’ hardness

Determination / verification of elastomer hardness on standard samples (or products) in the delivery stage, as well as following specified ageing tests

We conduct hardness measurements using the following methods:

  • Sh A – measurement on standard samples of thickness great than 4 mm,
  • Sh AM (micro method) – measurement on 2 mm thick samples cut out from the product,
  • Sh D – measurement on standard samples of thickness great than 4 mm,
  • IRHD-M (micro method) – measurement on 2 mm thick samples cut out from the product,
  • Rockwell (hardness scales HRE, HRL, HRM, HRR) – measurement on 4mm thick samples cut out from the product.


  • Zwick/Roell 3105 digi test hardness tester with interchangeable measuring heads in the range: Sh A, Sh AM, IRHD-M
  • Zwick/Roell ZHU250 hardness tester
  • Rockwell’s A 200 hardness tester

Testing norms

  • PN-EN ISO 868
  • ISO 48
  • ISO 7619-1
  • ASTM D2240
  • PN-EN ISO 2039-1
  • PN-EN ISO 2039-2

Product coating hardness

Determination of coating hardness using the pencil test method. Coating hardness tests can also be conducted following a designated ageing or corrosion test.

Testing norms (examples)

  • ISO 15184

The impact resilience of plastics and metals

Resilience is a measurement of a material’s fragility, determined by the work needed to dynamically break the sample, compared against a vertical sample profile.

Plastic impact resilience

The Charpy test method

This method involves resilient bending of a cuboid sample with or without a notch, supported by two props and determination of work needed to break it. The notch is used to concentrate strains at a particular point on the sample under test. Resilience determines the work needed to dynamically break a sample, compared to 1 m2 of vertical sample profile (in the case of resilience with a notch, then against the profile at the notch’s location).

Testing norms

  • PN-EN ISO 179-1

The Izod test method

The Izod method differs from the Charpy method in terms of the means of sample mounting, measurements performed and the speed of hammer pendulum impact. The method tests only samples with notches. The sample is mounted vertically, with one end in the hammer base mount and is broken with a cylindrical bladed pendulum at a specified distance from the edge of the mount.

Testing norms

  • PN-EN ISO 180

Metal impact resilience

Metal resilience using the Charpy method

Breaking work: KV2 and KU2 are determined according to PN-EN ISO 148-1 using pendulum hammer 450MP2B10153 with the following starting energies of hammer impact: 150 J, 300 J and 450 J. Additionally, we possess an RP 890C heating-cooling thermostat allowing tests at temperatures ranging from -90°C to 200°C to be conducted.

Testing norms

  • PN-EN ISO 148-1

Elastomer fragility testing

Determination / checking of elastomers’ fragility temperature at low temperatures (down to -70°C). The test consists of freezing samples at a specified temperature for a specified time and then hitting them with a hammer with a specified force (test conditions according to material specification).


  • Ceast fragility test apparatus

Testing norms

  • ISO 812
  • Customer norms
  • PN-EN ISO 6892-1 – Metallic materials – Tensile testing – Part 1: Method of test at room temperature
  • PN-EN ISO 2739 – Sintered metal bushings – Determination of radial crushing strength
  • PN-EN ISO 898-1 – Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel – Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs with specified property classes – Coarse thread and fine pitch thread
  • PN-EN ISO 898-5 – Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel – Part 5: Set screws and similar threaded fasteners with specified hardness classes – Coarse thread and fine pitch thread
  • PN-EN ISO 898-2 – Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel – Part 2: Nuts with specified property classes – Coarse thread and fine pitch thread
  • PN-EN 28839 – Mechanical properties of fasteners; nonferrous metal bolts, screws, studs and nuts
  • PN-EN ISO 6157-2 – Fasteners – Surface discontinuities – Part 2: Nuts
  • PN-EN ISO 2320 – Fasteners – Prevailing torque steel nuts – Functional properties
  • PN-EN ISO 8492 – Metallic materials – Tube – Flattening test
  • PN-EN ISO 8493 – Metallic materials – Tube – Drift-expanding test
  • PN-EN ISO 37/AC1 – Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of tensile stress-strain properties
  • PN-EN ISO 34-1 – Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of tear strength – Part 1: Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces
  • ISO 815-1 – Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of compression set – Part 1: At ambient or elevated temperatures
  • ISO 815-2 – Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of compression set – Part 2: At low temperatures
  • PN-C-04289 – Rubber – Determination of relative damping under compressive stress conditions
  • PN-EN ISO 527-2 – Plastics – Determination of tensile properties – Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics
  • PN-EN ISO 178/A1 – Plastics – Determination of flexural properties
  • PV 3955 – Determining the Seam Slippage Resistance of Trim Cover Material – Woven Fabrics
  • PN-EN ISO 6506-1 – Metallic materials – Brinell hardness test – Part 1: Test method
  • PN-EN ISO 6508-1 – Metallic materials – Rockwell hardness test – Part 1: Test method
  • PN-EN ISO 6507-1 – Metallic materials – Vickers hardness test – Part 1: Test method
  • PN-EN ISO 4516 – Metallic and other inorganic coatings – Vickers and Knoop microhardness tests
  • PN-EN ISO 14271 – Resistance welding. Vickers hardness testing (low-force and microhardness) of resistance spot, projection, and seam welds
  • PN-EN 23878 – Hardmetals. Vickers hardness test
  • PN-EN ISO 4507 – Sintered metallic materials with the exception of sintered carbides – Samples for tensile testing
  • PN-ISO 3754 – Steel – Determination of effective depth of hardening after flame or induction hardening
  • PN-EN ISO 2639 – Steels. Determination and verification of the depth of carburized and hardened cases
  • PN-EN ISO 868 – Plastics and ebonite – Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore hardness)
  • ISO 48 – Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD)
  • ISO 7619-1 – Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of indentation hardness – Part 1: Durometer method (Shore hardness)
  • ASTM D2240 – Standard Test Method for Rubber Property – Durometer Hardness
  • PN-EN ISO 2039-1 – Plastics – Determination of hardness – Part 1: Ball indentation method
  • PN-EN ISO 2039-2 – Plastics – Determination of hardness – Part 2: Rockwell hardness
  • ISO 15184 – Paints and varnishes – Determination of film hardness by pencil test
  • PN-EN ISO 179-1 – Determination of Charpy impact properties – Part 1: Non-instrumented impact test
  • PN-EN ISO 180 – Plastics – Determination of Izod impact strength
  • PN-EN ISO 148-1 – Metallic materials – Charpy pendulum impact test – Part 1: Test method
  • ISO 812 – Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of low-temperature brittleness

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