BOSMAL, for the railway sector, performs a range of chemical tests (including techniques: ICP-OES, WD-XRF, GC-MS, IR spectrometry) as well as tests to investigate physical properties, including the evaluation of the product after other tests, e.g. ageing. Selected tests are listed below.
Chemical and physical testing

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Studies on temperature and decomposition rate of polymer objects such as plastics, plastic products, rubber, rubber products
- using the thermogravimetric method (TGA), the amount of volatile substances, additives and/or fillers in the polymer is measured in the temperature range (25 – 1000) °C, according to EN ISO 11358-1
Testing the elemental content of metal and plastic products, construction products and materials, iron alloy products, copper, aluminium, zinc including heavy and precious metals.
- tests carried out using the following methods: optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WD-XRF), high temperature combustion with IR detection, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), scanning electron microscopy with EDS detection (SEM-EDS) and spectrophotometry
- tests within and outside the scope of accreditation
Assessment of damage to coatings (for galvanic and paint coatings on metal and plastic substrates, metal products, plastic products)
- coating damage assessment – damage quantity and extent, according to EN ISO 4628-1
- coating damage assessment – blistering, according to EN ISO 4628-2 and other standards
- coating damage assessment – rusting, according to EN ISO 4628-3 and other standards
- coating damage assessment – cracking, according to EN ISO 4628-4
- coating damage assessment – peeling, according to EN ISO 4628-5
- coating damage assessment – delamination and corrosion around cracks, according to PN-EN ISO 4628-8
Liquid resistance tests – EN ISO 2812-1
Thickness tests of galvanic and paint coatings on metal and plastic substrates
- Coating thickness: magnetic method, according to EN ISO 2178, EN ISO 2808, met. 7B2 and other standards
- Coat thickness: eddy current method, according to EN ISO 2808, met. 7C
- Coatings thickness: microscopic method acc. to PN-EN ISO 2808, met. 6A
Density tests on plastics and rubber and products made from these materials
- immersion test, according to EN ISO 1183-1, met. A, ISO 2781
Flammability testing of materials
- implemented, among others, according to standards UL94 and EN 60695-11-10, PN-ISO 3795, FMVSS 302, UNECE Regulation No. 118
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