Management Systems – Certificates and recommendations

- The Institute's Mission
- Integrated Management System Policy
- Institute's Vision and Strategy
- Integrated Management System and certificates
- Accredited Testing Laboratory AB 128
- Accredited Testing Laboratory 67/MON/2024 (MON accreditation)
- AQAP 2110:2016 certified system
- Information security and data confidentiality. TISAX
- MSWiA concession
- Recommendations given to BOSMAL by other certification bodies
- Recommendations given to BOSMAL by our customers
- Research & development centre status (CBR)
- Approval test authorisations
- Certificate of business reliability (CWB)
- EcoVadis Certificate
- SAQ Certificate
- Awards and distinctions
Certificate for the Integrated Management System – Quality, Environment, Work Safety and Hygiene – PCBC No. JBS – 199/5/2024

Certificate for the Integrated Management System – Quality, Environment, Work Safety and Hygiene – IQNet No. PL – JBS – 199/5/2024

PCA accreditation – Accredited Testing Laboratory AB 128
BOSMAL testing laboratory meets the requirements of PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 and has an accreditation certificate issued by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA). The laboratory has been accredited since July 18, 1997.
Flexible scope of accreditation means that BOSMAL laboratory has the ability, recognized by the PCA, to independently introduce changes in the methodology, measurement range, tested parameters or update reference documents etc., while maintaining the accreditation. This allows for a faster response to the Customer’s needs and changes in the law.
The flexible scope may only include competences previously confirmed by the PCA. The current BOSMAL flexibility scope includes:
- Adding of tested characteristics within the material / group of materials and testing technique.
- Use of updated standardised methods as described in standards / law regulations.
- Use of updated and implementation of new standardised methods as described in standards / law regulations.
- Change of measurement range of testing method.
- Use of updated methods as described in instructions developed by the laboratory.
- Adding of tested material within group of materials.
Details of accredited activities are described in the current PCA scope of accreditation and the “Lists of activities carried out within the flexible scope of accreditation” provided below. These lists are supervised and updated by BOSMAL and are the document describing in detail the flexible scope of accreditation and accredited activities.

The laboratory offers a wide range of tests in various fields. A large part of them are tests within the scope of accreditation (more than 600 accredited methods, more than 500 standards within the scope of accreditation).

Fields of testing and items of Scope of certification of Testing Laboratory No. AB 128
Kod identyfikacyjny / Identification code | Dziedzina i przedmiot badań / Field of testing and item |
A/6; A/8; A/26 | Badania akustyczne i drgań wyrobów i wyposażenia elektrycznego, wyrobów i materiałów konstrukcyjnych, pojazdów / Acoustic and vibration tests of electrical products and equipment, construction products and equipment, vehicles |
C/4; C/8; C/9; C/10; C/12; C/13; C/21; C/23; C/26; C/45; C/46 | Badania chemiczne wyrobów chemicznych, wyrobów i materiałów konstrukcyjnych, powietrza, paliw, szkła i ceramiki, maszyn i urządzeń, wyrobów z tworzyw sztucznych i gumy, tekstyliów i skóry, pojazdów, farb i lakierów, materiałów smarnych / Chemical tests of chemical products, construction products and materials, air, fuels, glass and ceramics, construction products and materials, machinery and devices, plastic and rubber products, textiles and leather, vehicles, paints and varnishes, lubricating materials |
E/6; E/26; E/34; E/35; E/54 | Badania elektryczne i elektroniczne wyrobów i wyposażenia elektrycznego i elektronicznego oraz pojazdów / Electric and electronic tests of electrical and electronic products and vehicles |
F/6; F/54 | Badania kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej (EMC) wyrobów i wyposażenia elektrycznego i elektronicznego / Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests of electrical, and electronic products and equipment |
G/6; G/8; G/13; G/21; G/23; G/45; G/54 | Badania dotyczące inżynierii środowiska wyrobów i wyposażenia elektrycznego i elektronicznego, wyrobów i materiałów konstrukcyjnych, maszyn i urządzeń wyrobów z tworzyw sztucznych i gumy, tekstyliów i skóry farb i lakierów / Tests concerning environmental engineering of electrical and electronic equipment, construction products and materials, machinery and devices, plastic and rubber products, textiles and leather, paints and varnishes |
H/6; H/21; H/23 | Badania ogniowe wyrobów i wyposażenia elektrycznego, wyrobów z tworzyw sztucznych i gumy oraz tekstyliów i skóry / Fire tests of electrical products and equipment, plastic and rubber products, textiles and leather |
J/6; J/8; J/21; J/23; J/26; J/45 | Badania mechaniczne, badania metalograficzne, wyrobów i materiałów konstrukcyjnych, wyrobów z tworzyw sztucznych i gumy, tekstyliów i skóry, farb i lakierów oraz pojazdów / Mechanical tests, metallographic tests of construction products and materials, plastic and rubber products, textiles and leather, paints and varnishes and vehicles |
L/6; L/8; L/17; L/21 | Badania nieniszczące wyrobów i wyposażenia elektrycznego, wyrobów i materiałów konstrukcyjnych, wyrobów innych, wyrobów z tworzyw sztucznych i gumy / Non-destructive testing of metal products and materials, electrical products and equipment, construction products and materials, other products, plastic and rubber products |
N/6; N/8; N/10; N/12; N/13; N/19; N/21; N/23; N/26; N/35; N/45; N/46; N/54 | Badania właściwości fizycznych wyrobów i wyposażenia elektrycznego i elektronicznego, wyrobów i materiałów konstrukcyjnych, paliw, szkła i ceramiki, maszyn i urządzeń, środków ochrony osobistej, wyrobów z tworzyw sztucznych i gumy, tekstyliów i skóry, farb i lakierów, materiałów smarnych oraz pojazdów / Tests of physical properties of electrical and electronic equipment, construction products and materials, glass and ceramics, plastic and rubber products, personal protection equipment, fuels, textiles and leather, paints and varnishes, lubricating materials and vehicles |
Q/21; Q/23 | Badania sensoryczne wyrobów z tworzyw sztucznych, gumy, tekstyliów / Sensory tests of plastic and rubber products, textiles |
Accredited Testing Laboratory 67/MON/2024 (MON Accreditation)
The Certificate of Defence and Security Accreditation (D&S Accreditation) No. 67/MON/2024 confirms that the Testing Laboratory of BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd meets the requirements of PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018-02 within the scope of accreditation No 67/MON/2024

AQAP 2110:2016 certified system
The Institute holds the AQAP 2110:2016 PCBC certificate No. A-73/2/2024 in the following scope: design, research and production of components for cars and their equipment, as well as research and production stations and equipment.

Information security and data confidentiality. TISAX
Information security and data confidentiality
An Information Security Management System (ISMS) has been implemented at the Institute of Automotive Research and Development, BOSMAL Ltd, in order to meet the requirements for information security, cyber security and data protection that have been set out by the Institute’s stakeholders and legal obligations. The Institute’s management team is committed to the continuous protection of information, the implementation and application of the principles of working securely with information and assets, the appropriate response to events and incidents, the identification of risks, the continuity of the Institute’s operations and the assurance of adequate staff knowledge and awareness. To this end, the ISMS has been extended to all BOSMAL’s organisational units and information security requirements have been integrated with the other management systems implemented at BOSMAL.
BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd, operating, inter alia, in the automotive industry, successively proves that it meets the requirements related to information security. This procedure is confirmed by the assessment of the BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd for compliance with the VDA-ISA requirements, which includes the key security features of the internationally recognized ISO 27001 standard and additional criteria that relate to the automotive sector.
Scope-ID: SN7P72, Assessment-ID: ANY5K5-1. TISAX and TISAX results are not intended for general public. The results of the assessment are available on the ENX Portal at:
TISAX Assessment

The Polish Minister of the Interior and Administration Concession (MSWiA Concession) No. B-138/2023
The Institute holds the Minister of Interior and Administration Concession (MSWiA Concession) No. B-138/2023, which covers the following scope of the Institute’s activities:
Based on Article. 7 section 1 and art. 8 section 1 of the Act of 13 June 2019 on conducting business activities in the field of production and trade in explosives, weapons, ammunition and products and technology for military or police purposes (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1743), Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration granted to the Institute of Automotive Research and Development BOSMAL the Concession No. B-138/2023 for conducting business activities in the field of:
- production of and trade in the types of weapons specified in section 1-12 Part III – Types of weapons and ammunition – BA – Annex to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 17, 2019 on the classification of types of explosives, weapons, ammunition and products and technologies for military or police purposes, for which a concession is required to produce or trade (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1888);
- production of and trade in the types of ammunition (elements not containing explosives) specified in section 13-30 Part III – Types of weapons and ammunition – BA – Annex to the Regulation;
- manufacturing products for military or police purposes specified in the following items: WT II – WT XII, WT XIII section 1-2 and WT XIV section 1-4 and sections 8-12 Parts IV of the Annex – Types of products and technologies for military or police purposes – WT to the above-mentioned regulation;
- trade in products for military or police purposes specified in the following items: WT II – WT XII, WT XIII section 1-2 and WT XIV, Part IV of the Annex – Types of products and technologies for military or police purposes – WT to the above-mentioned regulation;
- trade in technology for military or police purposes specified in WT item XIII, section 3-4 Parts IV of the Annex – Types of products and technologies for military or police purposes – WT to the above-mentioned regulation.

Recommendations given to BOSMAL by other certification bodies
TDT certificate

RINA Statement of Recognition of Test Laboratory No. REC051822XP
BOSMAL has received a recommendation from RINA confirming compliance with its requirements “RINA Statement of Recognition of Test Laboratory No. REC051822XP”. This document states that BOSMAL’s Testing Laboratory has been found to be in compliance with the requirements of the RINA “Rules for recognition of testing laboratories” for the performance of the tests listed in the attachment to the Statement.
Types of tests:
- Destructive and non-destructive tests and measurements of materials and products of marine and industrial structures and equipment
- Testing of electrical equipment and combustion and electric motors up to 560 kW
Scope of accreditation for Testing Laboratory according to PCA No. AB 128

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