New additions planned for 2025

New investment: Walk-in Climatic Chamber
We are pleased to announce that next year we will implement a new investment – a walk-in climate chamber, which will significantly expand our research capabilities. Thanks to this innovative device, we will be able to:
- Carry out corrosion tests for objects weighing more than 200 kg, including for working objects, providing them with optimal testing conditions.
- Simulate demanding external conditions during cyclic tests. The chamber will serve as a reservoir of moisture and thermal energy, and the inner plastic chamber will provide appropriate exposure to salt spray.
- Connect electricity sources, cooling systems and other external accessories, which will allow work of the test object to be forced or to achieve a certain state.
The chamber will be equipped with two types of salt sprayer, adapting to the needs of various industries, including the defence industry. In addition, the condensate drainage system for corrosive solutions will protect the chamber itself against accelerated corrosion processes. The modular design will allow flexible adjustment of the chamber’s size to that of the test objects, thereby minimizing modification costs.
New investment: Hydrogen Test Bench
We are pleased to announce our new investment – a test stand for hydrogen engines, which will be launched next year.
The investment will include, inter alia:
- Construction of a storage area for hydrogen cylinder bundles
- Construction of hydrogen expansion stations
- Construction of an external hydrogen transmission network
- Construction of an internal hydrogen supply system for test benches
The planned infrastructure will enable advanced testing of hydrogen-powered engines and their components. In addition to developing new hydrogen engines, we will also be able to develop technologies for adapting existing engines to hydrogen fuelling, both monofuel (hydrogen-only) and dual-fuel systems.
New investment: Engine Dynamometer Bench for Heavy-Duty Engines of High Power
We are pleased to announce that next year we will implement a new investment – a test bench for testing engines of high power.
This state-of-the-art test bench will enable testing of engines under heavy loads, simulating the actual operating conditions.
Heavy duty engines operating in harsh environments require robust tests in terms of heavy loads and high temperatures to ensure their reliability and durability.
Our new equipment in this area will meet the needs of:
- the construction and agricultural machinery industries – large construction equipment and agricultural machinery
- the marine sector – ships, barges, drilling rigs
- the power industry – electrical generators
- the mining industry – mining equipment, dump trucks, drilling equipment, rock shearers
- the defence industry (military) – tanks, armoured vehicles, self-propelled howitzers.
Our new engine dynamometer will be a key tool for testing engines under real-world conditions, ensuring the reliability and durability that are essential for demanding industrial applications.
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