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Workshops on emissions from materials

The workshops are addressed primarily to the manufacturers of plastic elements, who are obliged by the customers to test these characteristics in their products.
The workshop give its participants an opportunity to learn more about the theoretical and practical aspects of testing volatile substances emissions from materials, including the method of sampling for testing, test standards and methods as well as factors influencing the emissions.

BOSMAL is one of the leading laboratories providing services in scope of testing emissions from materials. The essential content of the workshops is outlined by the Materials Testing Department of BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute.

Workshops on technical cleanliness in the industry

The workshops are addressed primarily to the employees of companies producing components in the cleanliness regime – production engineers, quality engineers, company laboratory employees – obliged by the technological process and requirements of manufactured products to comply with the cleanliness requirements and to test these parameters in their products as well as at the place of their production and / or storage or transportation.
The workshops give an opportunity to learn about the advanced methods of testing technical cleanliness.
The workshops consist of a theoretical part delivered in form of a lecture and a practical part which takes place in the laboratory of cleanliness testing and at the microscopic testing stand (quantitative and qualitative analysis of the washed out impurities).

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