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Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

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Selection of solutions

Choice and verification of companies and/or employees responsible for maintenance (production lines, installations, tool shop, choice of solutions)

Preventive maintenance

Ongoing evaluation of the technical condition of the machines in order to detect, locate and identify potential machine damage which may result in future breakdown.
The main advantages of this method include: reduction of costs incurred on account of machine maintenance, possibility of determining the optimal time for the realization of service works, repairs or replacement of the consumables indicated by the manufacturer.

Predictive maintenance

  • Predicting failures of devices and production lines
  • Detection of anomalies and problems
  • Collecting data on the condition of infrastructure
  • Ensuring full visibility and transparency processes
  • real-time diagnostics and 24/7 monitoring of critical resources for the production line

Benefits of predictive maintenance

  • Reducing the number of unplanned downtime and planning technical shutdowns
  • Adjusting the stock of spare parts to the actual needs
  • Collecting information on production efficiency and infrastructure efficiency
  • Queuing of tasks and better planning
  • Easier production analytics and determination of performance indicators
  • Better supply chain management

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