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Opinions on innovativeness

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BOSMAL is a research and development centre according to the definition from the Act of 30th May 2008 on certain forms of support for innovative activities (consolidated text from the Polish Legal Journal Dziennik Ustaw, 2015, item 1710, with later amendments), taking into account the provisions of the Act of April 30, 2010 – provisions introducing laws reforming the science system (Polish Legal Journal Dziennik Ustaw, No. 96, item 620, with later amendments).

In connection with the above, the Institute is able to offers in its scope of activities the elaboration of objective opinions on innovation for the needs of planned investments with the support of EU Operational Programs, based on the independent evaluations of our experts.

BOSMAL elaborates:

  • opinions on product innovation,
  • opinions on process innovation,
  • opinions on technological innovations,
  • opinions on non-technological innovations.

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