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Energy audits

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Energy quality audit

Disruptions and failures of the power network cause large losses and downtime for enterprises. Their occurrence depends on the quality of electricity and other factors related to the power supply.

With experience and technical knowledge in the field of energy and the latest standards, we examine networks and energy quality
in industrial plants and public facilities. We assess the quality of power supply by measuring network parameters with the use of specialized analyzers, recording both basic quantities, voltages and currents, as well as indicators informing about the level of disturbances originating from higher
harmonics and other factors.

Measurements are carried out using portable devices that are equipped with a number of measuring probes, thanks to which the device can be connected to the switchboard. Installation of the analyzer does not interrupt the plant’s operation. After installation and programming, the device does not require any service, remains with the customer for the duration of the measurements, records and transmits data via a GSM modem. On their basis, an analysis is developed that shows irregularities and parameters relevant to the objectives of the measurements.

Improving Energy Efficiency

  • Reactive power compensation
  • Industrial lighting
  • Improvement of the quality of electric energy
  • Thermal energy management
  • Compressed air management
  • Energy management system and utilities monitoring

Energy Efficiency Audit

It is a specialist study that contains precisely described possibilities of increasing energy efficiency in the tested facility in terms of electricity, heat and cold management. Energy efficiency audits, created by certified auditors, contain a precise analysis of the energy consumed, and determine the technical condition of the facility, device or installation that has been tested. Such reports allow you to bring significant savings, lower production costs and greater competitiveness of the company.

An energy efficiency audit may be used to obtain financing for projects aimed at improving energy efficiency, e.g. in the form of energy efficiency certificates.

An energy efficiency audit is an analysis of the effectiveness of implemented or planned modernizations, completed with the preparation of a document in the form of a report. The result of the audit is the determination of the annual final energy savings [kWh / year] as a result of the project implementation.

Lighting audit

A professionally conducted audit should include, first of all, a reliable assessment of the current state of the lighting installation, as well as indicate possible solutions enabling the
modernization of the system with a precisely defined scope, technical parameters, etc. Our certified auditors make every effort to ensure that each such report also includes a precise
analysis of energy demand for lighting cells for individual rooms, including process lines. The test may concern both indoor and outdoor lighting (e.g. street lighting).

Compressed air audit

The scope of the performed audit includes:

  • overview of compressed air applications,
  • checking all leaks,
  • inspection of devices intended for blowing, as well as collectors, nozzles and pneumatic transmission systems,
  • verification of unnecessary and irregular receipts,
  • measurement of pressure and compressed air flow in the main points of the company’s network,
  • assessment of the transmission system and its capacity,
  • overview of the most frequently diagnosed problems of compressed air use in the company,
  • list of devices necessary for modernization in order to increase the efficiency of the existing system,
  • proposed solutions that will increase the efficiency of compressed air installations (sealing of the installation, new configuration, implementation of energy-saving devices, etc.).

Audit of production technology

It is an assessment of the current state of the company’s technological potential, including the used procedures, implemented modern solutions and the machine park. It is worth emphasizing that this type of report is very often used to present specific solutions aimed at indicating the direction of the company’s development in terms of acquiring and implementing new technologies.

Audit of production technology can be carried out in order

  • improving the efficiency and quality of production processes,
  • to meet new, generally more economical methods of production,
  • increasing the profits obtained,
  • increasing the company’s competitiveness and strengthening its position on the market,
  • receiving an independent assessment for the needs of possible business partners.

Audit of heat nodes

This service aims to develop a professional technical report on the heat source and related installations. The test allows for a detailed diagnosis of any irregularities, as well as for obtaining an expert assessment of the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the heat node.

The scope of our services includes:

  • assessment of the technical condition with parameters of the node operation,
  • providing recommendations for improving the operation of devices and parameter settings,
  • ongoing maintenance of technological and power equipment, as well as the control and measurement equipment included in the node,

Certified specialists will check the heat substation in every respect, and the result of the activities will be a professional and substantive audit. In the prepared report, they will indicate, inter alia, the necessary modernization works and provide detailed information on the modernization of the node. In addition, they will provide expert advice on the costs of modernization, which can be covered based on EPC financing and White Certificates. A specialist audit of the substation is the only proven way to avoid incorrectly calculated charges as well as expensive repairs. It is also a guarantee of obtaining optimal parameters that will translate into even distribution of heat in the room.

Enterprise energy audit

Pursuant to Energy Efficiency Act of May 20, 2016 each large enterprise operating in Poland shall be obliged to perform an energy audit and to submit the report to the President of the Office for Energy Regulation within 30 days from its performance. Energy report shall be drawn up every 4 years. This requirement results from Directive 2012/27/UE of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 25, 2012 on energy efficiency.

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