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Microscopy and metallography

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Metallography (metallographic testing) deals with the internal structure of metallic materials.

  1. Microstructure of metal materials and their alloys in the raw, cast, annealed state, after heat treatment, thermo-chemical treatment and after plastic working is carried out according to an in-house method (BOSMAL/I-7-44) and the PN-H-04661 and PN-H-04505 standards.
  2. Determining the shape, distribution and size of graphite in cast iron according to PN-EN ISO 945-1 and ASTM A247-16.
  • Depth of decarburisation via the metallographic method, according to PN-EN ISO 3887.
  • The content of inclusions in steel by method A according to ASTM E45, PN-H-04510
  • The average grain size by the comparative method, according to a scale of standards, the secant method and grain counting.
    • PN-EN ISO 643
    • ASTM E112
    • PN-EN ISO 2624
  • Macrostructure – visual assessment of surface and internal defects.
  • Macro- and microstructure of plastics.
  • Analysis of impurities on filters.
  • Metallographic examinations of heat exchangers (e.g. following corrosion tests).
  • Measurement of the depth of corrosion pits (3D module).
  • Microscopic examination of welded and soldered joints.

Metallographic examination of heat exchangers

The examination is used to assess corrosion. Metallographic examinations are performed following corrosion tests of heat exchangers – as well as for the evaluation of soldered joints present on such products.

Metalografia wymienników ciepła

Metallography – microscopic testing

  • Measurements of the depth of
    • erosion
    • corrosion pitting
    • intercrystalline corrosion
  • Evaluation of soldered joints (porosity)
  • Measurement of the thickness of diffusion layers
  • Measurement of coating thickness

Light microscopy – metallographic, digital microscopes

See our microscopes on the page: Presentation of selected techniques and research equipment – part 1 / Microscopy techniques

Electron microscopy SEM – in the testing of metals

See our microscopes on the page: Presentation of selected techniques and research equipment – part 1 / Microscopy technique

EDS-SEM electron microscopy

Example test type: intermetallic phase analysis

  • AlMnFeSi
  • AlMnFe
  • BOSMAL/I-7-44 – Evaluation of the microstructure of metallic products
  • PN-H-04661 – Gray, ductile and malleable cast iron – Metallographic tests – Determination of microstructure
  • PN-H-04505 – Microstructure of steel products – Patterns and determination
  • ASTM A247-16 – Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Microstructure of Graphite in Iron Castings
  • PN-EN ISO 3887 – Steels – Determination of the depth of decarburization
  • PN-H-04510 – Determination of the degree of contamination of steel with non-metallic inclusions
  • ASTM E45 – Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel
  • PN-EN ISO 643 – Steels – Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size
  • ASTM E112 – Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size
  • PN-EN ISO 2624 – Copper and copper alloys – Estimation of average grain size

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