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Material emissions/ VIAQ (Vehicle Interior Air Quality)

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Emission of volatile substances (emission of organic compounds – VOCs)

We conduct tests of products and materials in terms of emissions of volatile substances and emitted odours. After being absorbed onto suitable solid adsorbents (or being taken directly from the sample), organic substances emitted from tested products and materials are analysed using gas and liquid chromatography methods. We qualitatively and quantitatively identify volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, carbonyl compounds (including aldehydes), phthalates, amines and nitrosamines.

Determination of volatile, semi-volatile and heavy organic compounds (VOC, SVOC, FOG) – direct thermal desorption

The method includes heating the sample placed in a quartz tube using a thermodesorber; next, the emitted compounds are concentrated and separated chromatographically. The results obtained from conducting such a test permit determination of total volatile organic compound (TVOC) emissions, converted to toluene (µg/g) and total emission of semi-volatile (SVOC) / heavy organic compounds (FOG), converted to hexadecane (µg/g). Moreover, organic compounds for which emissions exceed a level of 1 µg/g are identified.


  • VDA 278,
  • GMW 15634,
  • others.

Testing and Measuring apparatus

  • Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph with flame-ionization detector (FID)
  • Agilent 5975C Inert selective mass detector
  • MARKES UNITY2 thermodesorber

Total volatile organic compounds emission (TVOC) and determination of specific substances using a headspace-type sampler

The tests consists of heating up a determined quantity of plastic or rubber sample, or a finished product in a headspace stove (normalised time and temperature). The substances emitted are analysed using the gas chromatography method with flame-ionization detection (FID) and mass spectrometry (MS) (Photo: GC-MS/FID gas chromatograph). Total emissions of volatile organic compounds (TVOC) are converted to acetone carbon (µgC/g for the sample).


  • VDA 277
  • PV 3341
  • VCS 1027,2749
  • FLTM BZ 157-01
  • GMW 8081
  • others

The concentrations of emitted specific substances are calculated on the basis of suitable calibration curves.

Testing and measuring apparatus

  • Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph with flame-ionization detector (FID)
  • Agilent 5975C Inert selective mass detector
  • Agilent G1888 Headspace Sampler

Determination of organic compound emissions using a microchamber

The method consists of placing a plastic or rubber sample or finished product in a microchamber of capacity 44 cm3 and heating it up. Substances emitted are then sampled dynamically onto an appropriate substrate (adsorbent), depending on the type of the compound being analysed. Then, qualitative and quantitative analyses are conducted using the gas (for volatile organic compounds, amines, nitrosamines) and liquid (for aldehydes, ketones, phthalates) chromatographic methods.


  • TPJLR.52.104
  • ISO 16000-6
  • ISO 16000-3
  • others

Testing and measuring apparatus

  • Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph with flame-ionization detector (FID)
  • Agilent 5975C Inert selective mass detector
  • MARKES UNITY2 thermodesorber
  • Agilent 1260 Infinity high efficiency liquid chromatograph
  • Agilent 7890B gas chromatograph with nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD)
  • Markes microchamber – Micro-Chamber/Thermal Extractor (µ-CTE)

Organic compound emissions in a 1 m³ emissions testing chamber

1 m3 chambers are used in tests of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions from materials and parts of car cabin trim. Tests in the WKE1000 / EK 1000 chambers are conducted in static or dynamic mode (i.e. with or without exchange of air between the chamber and its surroundings), under various temperature and humidity conditions.

Chambers equipment

  • flame-ionization detector (FID), working on-line, allowing constant quantification of the total concentration of emitted organic compounds,
  • accessories allowing the determination of semi-volatile organic substance emissions (SVOC, FOG),
  • accessories allowing sampling of chamber air for olfactory tests.


  • ISO 12219-4
  • ISO 12219-6
  • ISO 12219-7
  • GS 97014-2
  • GS 97014-3
  • GS 97014-4
  • PV 3942
  • VDA 276
  • VCS 1027, 2769
  • D49 3027
  • D49 3085
  • MS 300-57
  • also others, on request

Testing and measuring apparatus

  • WKE1000 Weiss / Vötsch 1 m3 chamber
  • EK1000 Olfasense 1m3 chamber
  • TESTA 2000MP FID detector
  • SHED FID iFiD detector
  • Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph with flame-ionization detector (FID)
  • Agilent 5975C Inert selective mass detector
  • MARKES UNITY2 thermodesorber
  • Agilent 1260 Infinity high efficiency liquid chromatograph
  • Agilent 7890B gas chromatograph with nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD)

Determination of formaldehyde and carbonyl compound emissions

“Bottle” method

The classic method of formaldehyde determination, as well as other carbonyl compounds, consisting of heating up the plastic or rubber sample or finished product, placed in a PE bottle with water. Formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds are absorbed into the water and later, after conducting the colour reaction, are quantified using the VIS spectrophotometric method or using the liquid chromatography method (HPLC) with UV-VIS detection (detector with diode matrix, DAD).


  • VDA275,
  • PV3925,
  • VCS 1027,2739,
  • FLTM BZ 156-01 sections A and B,
  • GMW 15635,
  • PSA D40 5535

Method using Tedlar® bags (or other containers)

This method consists of sample conditioning under suitable conditions and then sampling onto a substrate (adsorbent) suitable for the emitted substances. Carbonyl compounds absorbed onto the substrate, including formaldehyde, are extracted and solutions are analysed using the liquid chromatography method (HPLC) with UV-VIS detection (DAD detector).


  • SES N 2403
  • MS 300-55
  • ISO 16000-3

Testing and measuring apparatus

  • VIS Hach-Lange DR3800 spectrophotometer
  • Agilent 1260 Infinity high efficiency liquid chromatograph

Material and product smell

  • Tests are conducted directly in laboratory glassware by a trained smelling panel. Both the intensity of the smell (on an appropriate scale), the type of smell (description) and subjective feelings (pleasant, unpleasant) are evaluated.
  • Additionally, we conduct tests of material and product smell after emission tests in a 1m3 chamber, as well as evaluation of the smell and air quality in vehicle cabins. Samples are collected in inert bags and evaluated using an olfactometer.
  • It is possible to identify concrete substances responsible for a material or product’s unpleasant smell through chromatographic analysis combined with olfactometry.
  • • We take part in external training sessions of smell evaluation; our competences in this area are constantly maintained thanks to internal training sessions and have been confirmed by obtaining PCA accreditation and via our participation in external proficiency tests.

We conduct sensory smell evaluation of materials and finished products at various temperatures and under various conditions, according to, among others:

  • VDA 270 “Determination of the odour characteristics of trim materials in motor vehicles”
  • PV 3900 “Components in passenger compartment. Odor test”
  • FLTM BO 131-03 “Interior odor test”
  • MS 300-34 “Test method of odor for interior materials”
  • GMW 3205 “Determining the resistance to odor propagation of interior materials”
  • GME 60276 “Test method for determining the resistance to odour propagation of trim materials”
  • EDS-T-7603 “Test method for odor of interior materials”
  • VCS 1027, 2729 “Odour of trim materials in vehicles”
  • TPJLR.52.458 “Determination and assessment of odour from interior trim materials, components and assemblies”
  • SES N 2405 “Odor sensory evaluation”
  • TSM 0505 G “Smell quality of non-metallic materials”
  • BSDM 0505 “Smell quality of non-metallic materials”
  • SAE J1351 “Hot odor test for insulation materials”
  • as well as others (on request)

Fogging tests

These tests consist of condensation of evaporated, volatile components from interior equipment on vehicular window glass, the front windscreen in particular. Determination of the fogging characteristics (liquid raw materials, paste and solid raw materials contained in the materials from which they are made) can be conducted using the following methods:

  • fogging value – quotient of reflectometer 60° value of glass plate with fogging precipitate and reflectometer 60° value of the same glass plate without fogging precipitate
  • fogging value – quotient of transmittance of glass plate with fogging precipitate and transmittance of the same glass plate without fogging precipitate
  • components condensation (G) – difference of the weight of aluminium foil with and without fogging precipitate

Testing norms

  • DIN 75201
  • SAE J 1756

Client norms

  • Ford, VW (PV 3015), Renault, GMW, PSA, BMW, Daimler, Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Kia, others


  • HAAKE PHOENIX II + K20 Fogging Tester with DC30
  • HAAKE PC200 + A10 Fogging Tester with SC100

Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ) and determination of sources of unpleasant odours

Many years of experience and research and development work carried out allow us to comprehensively evaluate the air quality within a vehicle’s cabin. In our research, we rely on instrumental, sensory and mixed methods, including, among others:

  • Sensory assessment of the smell of air inside the cabin.
  • Chromatographic analysis of air samples.
  • mixed instrumental-sensory analysis of air samples.

The combination of air quality assessment in the vehicle’s cabin with tests of odour and emission of organic compounds from the trim and fittings allows determination of the sources of unpleasant odours and/or undesirable substances.

  • VDA 278 – Non-metallic materials of vehicle interiors – determination of the emission of organic compounds
  • VDA 277 – Non-metallic materials for automotive interiors – determination of organic compound emissions
  • PV 3341 – Non-Metallic Materials in Automotive Interior Trim. Determination of emission of organic compounds
  • VCS 1027,2749 – Determination of organic emissions from non-metallic materials in vehicle interiors
  • FLTM BZ 157-01 – Determination of organic emissions from non-metallic materials in vehicle interiors by headspace gas chromatography
  • GMW 8081 – Static Headspace GC-MS for Interior Materials Interior Emissions
  • TPJLR.52.104 – Determination of VOC and Carbonyl Emissions for Interior Trim Materials
  • ISO 16000-6 – Determination of volatile organic compounds in indoor and test chamber air by active sampling on Tenax TA sorbent, thermal desorption and gas chromatography using MS/FID
  • ISO 16000-3 – Determination of formaldeyhyde and other carbonyl compounds – Active sampling method
  • ISO 12219-4 – Method for the determination of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials — Small chamber method
  • ISO 12219-7 – Odour determination in interior air of road vehicles and test chamber air of trim components by olfactory measurements
  • GS 97014-2 – Emissions measurement in SHED chambers. Determination of volatile, organic emissions from components, semi-finished products and materials that do not carry fuel
  • GS 97014-3 – Emissions measurement with air exchange in a testing chamber. Determination of volatile, organic emissions from components, semi-finished products and materials
  • GS 97014-4 – Emissions measurement with air exchange in a testing chamber. Determination of the olfactory behavior
  • PV 3942 – Determining Organic Emissions from Components for the Passenger Compartment of Motor Vehicles. Emission Test
  • VDA 276 – Determination of organic substances as emitted from automotive interior products using a 1 m³ test cabinet
  • VCS 1027, 2769 – Determination of volatile organic substances from interior components/systems using a 1 m³ emission chamber
  • D49 3027 – Determination of volatile organic emissions – chamber test
  • D49 3085 – Analysis of VOCs, aldehydes and odors
  • MS 300-57 – Test method for VOCs emission from part assembly (VOCs: volatile organic compounds)
  • VDA 275 – Form part of the vehicle interior – determination of formaldehyde levy – measuring techniques after the modified bottle method
  • PV 3925 – Measuring Emissions of Formaldehyde
  • VCS 1027, 2739 – Determination of formaldehyde emission from components in vehicle interiors
  • FLTM BZ 156-01 – Determination of formaldehyde, aldehyde, and ketone emissions from non metallic components, parts and materials in the vehicle interior
  • GMW 15635 – Determination of Aldehyde and Ketone Emissions From Interior Materials
  • PSA D40 5535 – Analysis of formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds in the materials of vehicle passenger compartment by liquid chromatography
  • SES N 2403 – Standard for Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Emission
  • MS 300-55 – Test method of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior parts
  • VDA 270 – Determination of the odour characteristics of trim materials in motor vehicles
  • PV 3900 – Components in passenger compartment. Odor test
  • FLTM BO 131-03 – Interior odor test
  • MS 300-34 – Test method of odor for interior materials
  • GMW 3205 – Determining the resistance to odor propagation of interior materials
  • GME 60276 – Test method for determining the resistance to odour propagation of trim materials
  • EDS-T-7603 – Test method for odor of interior materials
  • VCS 1027, 2729 – Odour of trim materials in vehicles
  • TPJLR.52.458 – Determination and assessment of odour from interior trim materials, components and assemblies
  • SES N 2405 – Odor sensory evaluation
  • BSDM 0505 – Smell quality of non-metallic material
  • TSM 0505 G – Smell quality of non-metallic materials
  • SAE J 1351 – Hot odor test for insulation materials
  • DIN 75201 – Fogging Characteristics of Interior Automotive Materials
  • SAE J 1756 – Determination of the Fogging Characteristics of Interior Automotive Materials
  • PV 3015 – Non-Metallic Materials for Interior Trim – Determining Condensable Constituents
  • GMW 15634 – Determination of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds From Vehicle Interior Materials

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