BOSMAL has extensive research facilities that allow it to perform a number of tests of physical, mechanical and chemical properties of materials of different composition and structure.
BOSMAL for composites
BOSMAL has extensive research facilities that allow it to perform a number of tests of physical, mechanical and chemical properties of materials of different composition and structure…

Composites testing
- Corrosion testing
- Electrotechnical and electronic testing
- Environmental and light resistance tests, ageing tests
- Identification of products’ materials and contamination, chemical composition
- IP-code. Protection against ingress of solid objects, dust and moisture
- Material emissions/ VIAQ (Vehicle Interior Air Quality)
- Metrological testing
- Microscopy and metallography
- Optical testing
- Physicochemical, aesthetic and functional properties
- Pressure tests
- Technical cleanliness inspection – internal and external cleanliness of products
- Testing of mechanical properties
- Testing resistance, durability, fatigue, functionality
- Testing vehicles, machinery and devices in large-dimension chambers at high and low temperature
- Tests of petroleum products and working fluids
- Thermal shocks
- Vibration, vibroacoustic (NVH) and tensometric testing
- Machining of composites
Corrosion testing
Electrotechnical and electronic testing
Environmental and light resistance tests, ageing tests
Identification of products’ materials and contamination, chemical composition
IP-code. Protection against ingress of solid objects, dust and moisture
Material emissions/ VIAQ (Vehicle Interior Air Quality)
Metrological testing
Microscopy and metallography
Optical testing
Physicochemical, aesthetic and functional properties
Pressure tests
Technical cleanliness inspection – internal and external cleanliness of products
Testing of mechanical properties
Testing resistance, durability, fatigue, functionality
Testing vehicles, machinery and devices in large-dimension chambers at high and low temperature
Tests of petroleum products and working fluids
Thermal shocks
Vibration, vibroacoustic (NVH) and tensometric testing