About Institute

Description of operations
BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd specialises in conducting research and development as well as manufacturing activities for domestic and foreign companies, mainly in the automotive sector.
- The scope of the Institute’s activities includes research, design, manufacture and services,
- Foundation year: 1972,
- Area: 85 538 m2,
- Build-up area: 25 053 m2,
- Employment: approx. 400 employees, including 17 PhDs and 238 engineers/MScs,
- Location: northern part of the city. In the vicinity of the intersection of road routes 1 and S1/S52
The Institute has extensive experience in the field of cooperation with both final car manufacturers as well as with cooperating factories manufacturing parts and assemblies for the main assembly and for the aftermarket.

For more than fifty years of its activity, the Institute has gained the trust of many domestic and foreign clients. Thanks to experienced staff of highly qualified employees, BOSMAL implements a comprehensive range of design and research services – “From idea to implementation”. The Institute is flexible in terms of adapting to market requirements and the needs of its clients. We have modern research and measurement equipment for conducting research works and construction and for design/computational works in the field of car construction and related fields. The Institute continuously invests in the latest technologies, expending its equipment, research and measurement potential.
In order to improve the quality of services offered, exchange experience and popularise knowledge, BOSMAL cooperates with many well-known institutions and technical universities, both domestically and abroad. The Institute has a large scientific output. BOSMAL is also the organiser of the International Exhaust Emissions Symposium. In addition to scientific and research cooperation, BOSMAL annually provides vocational training to students of technical universities. It also runs a vocational studies programme.
- By the decision of the Minister of Economy, BOSMAL with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała has been granted the status of a research and development centre.
- By the decision of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy, the Institute was granted the license for conducting the whole vehicle type approval tests.
Institute’s Mission
BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd is a successor of OBR SM BOSMAL – a leading research and development unit in the automotive sector.
The mission of the Institute is:
- to strengthen the Institute’s market position and reputation internationally and to expand the Institute’s business profile to include new industries;
- to continue to expand the Institute’s range of products and services and to improve the quality of the Institute’s products and services on a continuous basis,
- to expand the Institute’s technology park by investing in modern equipment, machines and infrastructure upgrades;
- to promote sustainable development while respecting labour law, employment regulations and human rights, and protecting the environment and the health and safety of our personnel, and to ensure the security of information.
The standardisation activities at BOSMAL include standardisation works in accordance with the Institute’s needs, including national, European and international standardisation as well as standardisation of ECE Regulations and EU Directives.
BOSMAL was appointed by the Polish Committee for Standardisation as a member of:
- Technical Committee No. 132 on Exhaust Engines;
- Technical Committee No. 141 on Plastics;
- Technical Sub-Committee No. 1 on Liquid Fuels and Technical Sub-Committee No. 3 on Lubricating Oils in the Technical Committee No. 222 on Processed Oil and Operating Fluids.
Technical Library
The Institute’s Technical Library contains a collection of technical literature, mainly in the field of the automotive industry.
We subscribe to a number of technical journals, both domestic and foreign.
Conference Centre
The Institute has two modern, fully equipped conference rooms: an audiovisual room for 40 people and an audiovisual room for 200 people. More information about the Conference Centre can be found here:

Management and Structure of the Institute
Management Board
Piotr Świątek, PhD (Eng)
President of the Board, Research Director
Arkadiusz Stojecki, PhD (Eng)
Deputy President of the Board, Director
Supervisory Board (The term of office of the Supervisory Board is 2023-2027)
Antoni Świątek, PhD (Eng)
Prof. Jerzy Merkisz, PhD (ENG)
Wojciech Trybus, Msc (Eng)
Tadeusz Kowalski, Msc (Eng)
Scientific Council (The term of office of the Scientific Council is 2023-2027)
Prof. Jerzy Merkisz, PhD (ENG)
Rafał Sala, PhD (ENG)
Jakub Dzida, PhD (ENG)
Prof. Kazimierz Maria Romaniszyn, PhD (ENG)
Prof. Marek Brzeżański, PhD (ENG)
Prof. Krzysztof Wisłocki, PhD (ENG)
Piotr Bielaczyc, PhD (ENG)
Joanna Faber, PhD (ENG)
Krzysztof Brodzik, PhD (ENG)
Andrzej Szczotka, PhD (ENG)
Our Customers and Partners
The Institute has over 500 active clients around the world.
Our Customers mainly include automotive companies, but not only. We cooperate with both final car manufacturers as well as with cooperating factories manufacturing parts and assemblies for the main assembly and for the aftermarket.
In order to improve the quality of services offered, we cooperate with many well-known institutions and technical universities, both domestically and abroad.
Scientific Activity
International memberships
More than forty years of traditions related to research for the automotive industry and vast experience as well as employees’ knowledge result in visible recognition of the Institute around the world, thanks to our business profile and cooperation with the largest automotive concerns, greater than our domestic cooperation.
BOSMAL’s very high position among R&D institutions in Europe is proven, among other things, by the Institute’s membership in international bodies such as:
WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedures)
orking group at the UNECE developing new global regulations regarding the approval of passenger cars, trucks and engine machinery;
PMP (Particulate Measurement Programme)
working group at the UNECE, developing new regulations and testing methods for testing solid particulate emissions from motor vehicles;
WLTP 2nd group
at the European Commission in Brussels, whose task is to implement the WLTP provisions into the EU type approval regulations and legislation.
National memberships
BOSMAL actively participates in standardisation works in Poland within the Polish Committee for Standardisation’s Technical Committees:
As a member of the Technical Committees of the Polish Committee for Standardisation, BOSMAL participates in the development of Polish versions of standards and gives its opinion on draft international standards.
The experience and competences of BOSMAL are also appreciated and taken into account in the Polish Ministry of Energy’s legislative work on new regulations.
KT222 on Processed Oil and Operating Fluids,
KT141 on Plastics,
KT132 on Combustion Engines.
Memberships include:
- POLLAB Polish Research Laboratories Club (actual member registered under number 128)
- Polish ISO 9000 Forum Club (actual member registered under number 318)
- Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
- Polish Committee for Standardisation:
- KT222 on Processed Oil and Operating Fluids
- KT222/PK1 on Liquid Fuels
- KT222/PK3 on Lubricating Oils
- KT141 on Plastics
- KT132 on Combustion Engines
- Cluster Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing KSSE (Katowice Special Economic Zone)
- Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies
- Association under the auspices of the “Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies” Foundation
- World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP. 29) at the EU/UNECE
- Working Group – Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE)
- WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedures) subgroup
- PMP (Particulate Measurement Program) subgroup
- Working Group of the European Commission RDE – LDV (Real Driving Emissions of Light Duty Vehicles).

Scientific Cooperation
BOSMAL, in addition to cooperation with foreign research centres, such as: European Commission Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy), University of Leeds (Leeds, Great Britain), Argonne National Laboratory (Lemont, USA) or University of Birmingham (Birmingham, Great Britain) and others, also actively cooperates with Polish scientific centres. Significant examples include our long-term cooperation with the Poznan University of Technology should be emphasised – focused on issues related to the study of automotive emissions and engine tests, with the Wroclaw University of Technology – consisting of joint research on the issue of air quality in car interiors, with the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Kraków – cooperation mainly in the field of modern materials for the automotive industry, and with the Bielsko-Biała University – in both in the field of vehicle, engine and material engineering research. In addition to scientific and research cooperation, BOSMAL annually provides vocational training to students of technical universities. Last year, a vocational studies programme was launched in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology, and recently a similar programme was implemented in cooperation with the Faculty of Materials, Construction and Environmental Engineering at the Bielsko-Biała University.
International Exhaust Emissions Symposium
BOSMAL is the organiser of the International Exhaust Emissions Symposium. There is a continued increase in interest in this symposium, which has become one of the most important scientific knowledge exchange forums in Poland, focusing on the issue of emission of harmful car exhausts. The 4th and 5th International Exhaust Emissions Symposium were held in the years 2013-2016, attended, respectively, by 120 and 140 representatives of scientific institutions from Europe and the USA. In both cases, 23 out of 25 papers were presented by participants representing foreign research centres. The symposium is a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience of experts and specialists related to the automotive industry, including mainly dealing with the aspect of exhaust emissions from vehicles, but also other aspects of the operation of motor vehicles. The high level and the importance of the symposium is best evidenced by the presence of well-deserved and well-recognised global participants.
Cooperation with business, clusters

BOSMAL is a member of several clusters:
- Cluster Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing KSSE (Katowice Special Economic Zone) – one of National Key Clusters
- Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies – one of National Key Clusters
- and an association under the auspices of the “Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies” Foundation
Business Development
e-mail: businessdevelopment[at]bosmal.com.pl
tel.: +48 33 81 30 550
Cluster Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing KSSE (Katowice Special Economic Zone) – one of National Key Clusters
Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies – one of National Key Clusters
and an association under the auspices of the “Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies” Foundation
Partner of the social campaign “ELEKTROMOBILNI.PL”
BOSMAL is a partner of the social campaign “ELEKTROMOBILNI.PL”. He serves as the scientific patron of the campaign.

History of the Institute
BOSMAL has been present on the automotive market since 1972. Initially, it operated as the design and R&D unit of the Fabryka Samochodów Małolitrażowych in Bielsko-Biała. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the Institute has been a completely independent research and development unit. As a result of employee privatisation, as of 01.05.2010, the company adopted the name Instytut Badań i Rozwoju Motoryzacji BOSMAL Sp. z o.o.
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